Category Archives: Lode Runner

Lode Runner updates from Toastline

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Toastline recently sent me some updated information that explains how to decode certain XPK graphics resources in Lode Runner 2 that are in a different format than the majority of XPKs.  He has also updated his LR2 Image Extractor program to read this alternate format and to output PNG image files with transparency. 8-)

Perhaps the most interesting discovery that Toastline made recently is the presence of additional unused graphics resources within LR2 that were previously unknown.  The new graphics can be seen on The Cutting Room Floor under the headings “Smileyface Monk Portrait and “World Icon Placeholders“.

You can obtain both the new technical information and Toastline’s LR2 Image Extractor from either my Lode Runner page or Toastline’s Dropbox.